“What are you up to these days?!” – Everyone



  1. Pups & Home
  2. Living Life
  3. Growth Consulting
  4. Laicos Startup Studio

Pups & Home

We recently moved to a new home in Southern California and it's been great! The dogs have a huge front yard to play and I don't have to take them on 6 walks (as I used to). It's a much more enjoyable place to be. Milo and Millie are doing great - healthy and happy - and that makes me happy.

Living Life

For far too long I felt like I was waiting for something to happen before I could enjoy my life. Waiting for a big payday, or waiting for something to happen to change my life. No more. Now, regardless of what is going on, I'm living and loving my life. This took some to learn and to get used to, but it's the best change that I've made to my life this year.

Growth Consulting

I've started a private practice focused on Self-Actualization consulting for professionals. Basically, I help people become better versions of themselves. I have been doing this unofficially for years and, after some inspiration, I've decided to dedicate more of my time and do this professionally. The link below explains everything in detail - I look forward to hearing from you!

Laicos Startup Studio

Laicos is a Startup Studio and software development company. Occasionally my focus is on bringing in web development, design, or consultant contracts (revenue). We’ve got a very talented full-stack team ready to build on a moment's notice. I love helping mid to enterprise clients build the software they need.

This idea was inspired by the many entrepreneurs that came before me. Thank you.

Last Updated: 12/14/2022

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