Exploring Consciousness and Personal Growth

As a personal growth coach, I offer specialized support for individuals exploring consciousness with psilocybin. This unique coaching experience helps you navigate altered states of consciousness safely and productively, leading to profound personal insights and growth. Book a consultation today!


Pre-Session Preparation:

      • Setting intentions and goals
      • Creating a safe and comfortable environment
      • Discussing potential challenges and how to address them

During-Session Support:

      • Guidance through the experience (in-person or virtual, as legally appropriate)
      • Grounding techniques and emotional support
      • Facilitation of self-reflection and insight

Post-Session Integration:

      • Processing and making sense of the experience
      • Applying insights to daily life
      • Developing action plans for personal growth


      • Intention Setting: Clarify and articulate your goals and aspirations.
      • Mindfulness and Grounding: Techniques to stay present and centered during the experience.
      • Emotional Processing: Support in navigating and understanding emotional responses.
      • Insight Integration: Translating psychedelic insights into actionable steps for personal development.
      • Spiritual Exploration: Facilitating deeper connections with your inner self and the universe.
      • Behavioral Change: Implementing new perspectives and habits into daily life.


      • Enhanced safety and comfort
      • Deeper self-understanding
      • More meaningful and transformative experiences
      • Support in translating insights into practical life changes


This coaching is for individuals who are:

      • Mentally and physically prepared for intense experiences
      • Seeking personal growth and self-discovery
      • Committed to integration and follow-through
      • Aware of and accepting the potential risks and legal status of psilocybin use


As your coach, I am committed to:

      • Prioritizing your safety and well-being
      • Respecting your autonomy and personal choices
      • Maintaining strict confidentiality
      • Providing non-judgmental support


If you’re interested in this coaching, please schedule a preliminary consultation below. We’ll discuss your goals, assess suitability, and address any questions or concerns you may have. Remember, the decision to use psilocybin is yours alone. My role is to provide support and guidance for those who have made this choice independently, focusing on maximizing potential benefits and minimizing risks.

Important Disclaimer:

I do not provide or assist in obtaining psilocybin. Clients are responsible for their choices regarding substance use. This coaching focuses on harm reduction, integration, and maximizing benefits for those who have independently chosen to use psilocybin.



“Why you/Ryan Negri?”

As a personal growth consultant with a successful background in the technology industry, including experience as a founder and investor, and involvement in the venture capital space, I offer a unique blend of expertise and firsthand understanding of the challenges faced by young entrepreneurs and investors. I am dedicated to helping them achieve success in both their professional and personal lives through a holistic approach that includes personal development, goal setting, and a balance of work and life.

"How do I know if this is the right fit for me?"

The best way to determine if my services are the right fit for you is to schedule a complimentary consultation call with me. During this call, we can discuss your specific needs and goals, and I can provide more information on how my approach can help you achieve them. Additionally, you can also check out my website and read testimonials from previous clients to get a sense of their experience working with me.

"What kind of results can I expect from working with you?"

The results you can expect from working with me will depend on your specific goals and the effort you put into the process. However, many of my clients have reported significant improvements in areas such as self-confidence, goal attainment, relationships, and overall satisfaction with life. I work with my clients to develop personalized action plans and provide ongoing support to help them achieve their goals and desired outcomes.

"How is your approach different from other personal growth consultants?"

My approach is holistic, personalized, and tailored to each individual’s unique needs and goals. I use a combination of various techniques and methods, including goal-setting, motivation, positive mindset, and self-discovery to help my clients achieve their aspirations. I also bring my expertise and experience as a successful founder and investor in the technology industry to provide a unique perspective on how personal growth and success are interconnected.

"Do you have experience working with people in my specific industry/field?"

My experience as an entrepreneur and founder, who has gone through many different life-altering events, gives me a wide range of experience and understanding of the various challenges and obstacles that individuals may face in their personal and professional lives. This allows me to provide a unique perspective and understanding of the specific challenges that my clients face, and offer tailored solutions to help them achieve their goals.


In addition, my expertise in personal growth, coupled with my professional background in the technology industry and my experience in the startup and venture capital space, allows me to provide a holistic approach to personal development that addresses both professional and personal aspects of my clients’ lives. I am committed to empowering my clients to overcome obstacles and achieve their aspirations and I have a proven track record of helping my clients achieve their goals.

"What is your availability and how flexible are you with scheduling?"

I am available for coaching and consulting sessions during the week and on weekends by appointment. I understand that everyone’s schedule is different, and I am happy to work with you to find a time that is convenient for you.

"How much does your service cost and what is included in the fee?"

The cost is $1000/mo. This includes up to 10 hours of communication each month, which includes 4 one-hour weekly sessions. In addition, you will also have access to me via text, twitter, email, and phone when I am awake. This allows for flexibility and convenience for clients to reach out to me whenever they need support or guidance. Also, later this year, clients will have access to a community of like-minded and self-actualized individuals for support, networking and sharing experiences.

"Can you provide references or testimonials from previous clients?"

Yes, I am happy to provide references and testimonials from previous clients upon request. I also have some testimonials above here that you can view.

"How do you measure success and track progress for your clients?"

I measure success by the attainment of the specific goals and objectives that we set together during the initial consultation. I track progress by regularly checking in with my clients, reviewing their progress and making adjustments to their action plans as needed. I also use various tools and techniques to help my clients stay motivated and on track.

"Can you provide any guarantees for results?"

As a coach, I cannot guarantee specific results as the success of our work together depends on the client’s efforts and willingness to implement the changes and strategies we discuss. However, I can guarantee that I will work with you to develop personalized action plans and provide ongoing support to help you achieve your goals.

"How long does the personal growth journey usually take?"

The personal growth journey is different for everyone, and the length of time will depend on your specific goals and the effort you put into the process. Some people may see significant progress in a short period of time, while others may take longer to achieve their goals. I will work with you to set realistic timelines and regularly check in to ensure that progress is being made. Ultimately, the length of time it takes to achieve your goals will depend on your commitment to the process and willingness to make changes in your life.

"What is your background and qualifications as a personal growth consultant?"

My background as a startup founder, and investor with personal therapy experience, combined with my ongoing personal coaching, have provided me with a unique perspective and understanding of the personal and professional challenges faced by entrepreneurs and investors. I bring this experience and knowledge to my work as a personal growth consultant and continuously learn and improve my skills and techniques through training and certification.

"What is your approach to coaching, and how does it work?"

My approach to coaching is holistic, personalized, and tailored to each individual’s unique needs and goals. I use a combination of various techniques and methods such as goal-setting, motivation, positive mindset, and self-discovery to help my clients achieve their aspirations. I will work with you to develop a personalized action plan and provide ongoing support to help you achieve your goals and desired outcomes.

"What type of clients do you typically work with?"

I work with a wide range of clients from different industries and backgrounds, including entrepreneurs, executives, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth. My clients have different goals, but they all share a desire to improve their lives and achieve their aspirations.

"How do you ensure the privacy and confidentiality of your clients?"

I take client privacy and confidentiality very seriously and adhere to strict guidelines and policies to ensure that all client information is kept private. Any information shared during our sessions will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone without the client’s explicit consent.

"How do I schedule an appointment with you?"

To schedule an initial consultation with me, please complete this form and schedule a call based on your availability. If you have questions not covered here, you can reach out to me through my website, email, or on Twitter.